Being an open source project is one of the pillars of LibreOffice. Understanding the people who not only build and maintain but also use LibreOffice is important to anyone concerned about the sustainability of open source. So we asked the community what aspects are important and present the results now.…
Survey: What aspects are important to you?
Being an open source product is one of the pillars of LibreOffice. Technically, that means the source code is available with a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.…
Results from the Survey about LibreOffice Features
Unused features blur the focus of LibreOffice, and maintaining legacy capabilities is difficult and error-prone. The engineering steering committee (ESC) collected some ideas of what features could be flagged as deprecated in the next release – 5.4 – with the plan to remove them later.…
Survey on LibreOffice features
Due to its long history, LibreOffice has accumulated a staggering amount of features. Maintaining these features is not free, and having a massive amount of features may blur the focus of the software. In order to steer the development and to focus on the more important aspects we prepared a survey that investigates how often some features are used.…
What motif for the next release do you prefer?
We asked recently for branding proposals for the upcoming release of LibreOffice. The task was also announced on the job board of the Open Source Design group and we got a couple of replies on their discourse forums. Below you we show the motifs embedded in the splash screen.…
Please participate in a survey about page margins
Margins specify the amount of space to leave between the edges of the page and the document text. You can define it for the left/inner, right/outer, top and bottom side individually. Page margins are defined by default at 0.79″ respectively 2cm on each side in LibreOffice Writer (located under Format > Page).…
Results from table styles survey
Table styles have been introduced in LibreOffice Writer 5.3 as the successor to the AutoFormat feature. The table designs from this old feature were used as the initial set of table styles, so we asked on the design mailing list to submit proposals for new table designs and finally ran a survey to include the entire community in the process.…
Welcome, GSoC’17 students!
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development during their holiday break. The Document Foundation and LibreOffice participate every year, and we are happy to announce three accepted projects aimed to improve usability.…
Please participate in a survey about table styles
Some users were desperately Waiting for LibreOffice Table Styles, so this feature was implemented in one of the last year’s GSoC projects and released with version 5.3 as announced in the release notes and release videos. Although not all features have been implemented yet and, for instance, the editing dialog is missing, we want to continue with the design work and revise the inbuilt table styles.…