Templates can seem daunting and overly complex as any new concept. Hopefully this series of articles will help to understand and clarify some of your worries. If you have never heard of templates or if, for any
User Experience Archive
How to make a star with LibreOffice
Some time ago we asked the people how they use LibreOffice Draw. And while the expectation was that this module receives only low appreciation the opposite is true. LibreOffice Draw is used to create block diagrams for
Results from the survey about LibreOffice’s web presence
LibreOffice’s basic conception is to be not just a product, the office suite, but a community around it. So we do not only provide downloads and support for the development but also make it easy to join
Overwrite on macOS
Update (March 2023): This survey is closed. You can see what solution was picked on our bugtracker. The post below is still available to read but links to the survey have been removed.
The keyboard layout
Save the bibliography?
LibreOffice has the capability to add references to a document and finally a bibliographical index, which is essential for scientific publications. The style of references depend on the journal and the discipline. So it is common to
Special Characters: The Final Touch
Last year we revised the workflow to insert special characters. Based on a design proposal the dialog was reimplemented in a Google Summer of Code project by Akshay Deep. The new dialog allows to easily
What’s new in LibreOffice 6.1 regarding user experience
The LibreOffice community regularly publishes new releases, and the latest version, 6.1, is released in August 2018. The design team worked hard to make this release as shiny as it deserves; here’s what we did.
Background images
LibreOffice ships
Improvements to Font Listing
Font handling is a major topic for office suites and as a result, LibreOffice’s bug tracker has numerous reported issues and suggestions on how to enhance the workflow. In a past blog post, we presented a solution
Improvements to Lists in LibreOffice Impress
Enumeration of lists is one of the most struggled features in LibreOffice Impress. That is clear from the issues reported on Bugzilla tdf#103364 and tdf#103369 with over 100 bugs and enhancement requests, but also when
Default Margins that Users Apply in LibreOffice Writer
Earlier this year we run a survey about default margins in LibreOffice Writer. The results should prove that the default settings are what users apply in most cases.
For the first question, What should LibreOffice Writer’s default