Introduced recently with the MUFFIN concept, the Notebookbar is a blank canvas where controls can be placed and arranged freely. It offers all freedom to users who are not afraid to fiddle around with an
Design Archive
New Color Palettes in LibreOffice
A color palette is an arrangement of a limited set of colors resembling a painter’s palette. Some collections are officially standardized, others are individually assembled to serve, for instance, a branding purpose or to convey a certain
Evolving Past the Restrictions of Toolbars
Toolbars are a common toolkit control that have been around since the dawn of GUI applications, providing direct access to an application’s most frequently used functions. But with increasing scope, the number of frequently used functions grows
Additions to LibreOffice
Software in general is made for many users, one size fits none. Personal preferences have to be taken into consideration as well as different workflows with varying goals. The broader the scope the more features needs to
Dealing with Missing Fonts
When documents are sent from one computer to the next or opened on the same computer in a different operating system, these documents may not look the same unless all the fonts used in the document are
Insert and Playback of Online Media
Gone are the days when users were limited to embedding local media and clip art bundled with an office suite, as we now live at a time where there is a plethora of online media at a
How the Navigator may support object handling in LibreOffice Draw
The management of various objects is crucial for LibreOffice Draw, especially when a drawing or a diagram becomes complex with a lot of shapes and groups placed on different layers with an elaborated stack order.
Improvements for the
Easyhackers wanted!
LibreOffice is a community-driven product, meaning you don’t only help the development by filing bug reports and writing ideas for features. You can do even more. Quite a few of the tickets in the bug tracker have
Our Happy Hour – How LibreOffice Sidebar Tenders Properties and Functions
In March 2016, we asked the community how they use the sidebar and how they feel it should evolve. About 290 participants answered the single choice questions and around 100 answered the free text question. All in
Results from the Survey about LibreOffice Draw, Part 2: How LibreOffice Draw is expected to evolve.
In the first part of the survey results analysis, we showed how people use LibreOffice Draw. Those questions were of quantitative nature with an exact answer that easily can be summed up and averaged. In this