Competition for a LibreOffice Mascot

Java has the Duke, SUSE is known for its Geeko, KDE is going with Konqui, Krita welcomes you with Kiki, and Mozilla frightens the user with a Tyrannosaurus Rex. All major applications are known by a mascot.

LogoThe Document Foundation has a unique branding with a clear and nice icon which cannot change. Therefore, it is probably the right time to get a mascot for LibreOffice.


We have started by asking on the mailing lists some input about the concepts associated with LibreOffice.

  • Freedom/Openness
    • Dove like bird, through occupied by Apache OpenOffice (and disliked by some)
    • Hummingbird: Light, free, fast, with colors that remember also the LibreOffice colors
    • Dragonfly: is a beautiful animal with many colors which we can find all over the world, is a fast and agile flier with a robust body, and a symbol of courage, strength, and happiness (unfortunately, the dragonfly is used at DragonFly BSD and Opera Dragonfly)
  • Speed/Improvement
  • Intelligence
    • Owl: known for wisdom since the Greek goddess Athena, whose pet was an owl
    • Beaver (Castor canadensis): beavers are ingenious builders who can change the course of rivers, they are powerful patient doers despite their size, who can modify their living space in a few days
  • Cuteness / Seven lives
    • Louse/Virus: it irritates sometimes, but you can’t get rid of
    • Tardigrade (‘pudgy wudgie’): also known as water bears, they are adorable, and also perhaps the most indestructible creatures known to man
    • Rock-hopper penguin: it’s very cute with orangey-red-yellow tufts out of jet-black ears, they are impressively determined, despite the comedy-value of the way they waddle and bounce they achieve incredible feats of athleticism such as jumping higher than their own height from a standing start


The task is simple: design a new identifier for LibreOffice Community and ideally provide a name and a description to understand your idea. There is no restriction whether it’s a true mascot or just a symbol like Java’s Duke. You are also free to find other metaphors than those listed above.

LibreOffice has branding guidelines, for instance regarding colors, but you may also suggest an update there.

The design should be completely new, even if based on some initial artwork (in this case, the license of the initial artwork must be CC0). The design should be available in two colors (to reduce printing costs, if necessary), and in full color.

Results will be filtered by a commission named by the Board of Directors (BoD), and voted by the community. The final decision about the design and the name will be confirmed by the BoD.

Authors of the top three proposals will get the following prizes:

1st: Slimbook KATANA Intel i5 (

2nd: Nextcloud box with Raspberry Pi 3 (

3rd: Nitrokey Pro 3 (

Remarks: Winnings from competitions can be a taxable source of income depending on your state law. Legal recourse is excluded.

To share your proposal please use our Nextcloud instance with a clear identification of <date>_<author>_<name>.png (e.g. 20170629_htietze_grumpycat.png), or submit your artwork per E-mail to You can submit as many ideas as you want, but we may refuse input in case of very close designs.

All submissions should be provided under CC0 to maximize their use by the community. Learn more about LibreOffice’ licensing here.

Please submit your ideas until 31th of August.


So far we received a few examples.

© CC0, Andreas Kainz

© CC0, Nicolas Vrithoffe

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