Design Archive

19 Feb 2015

Tracking changes with LibreOffice

The Libreoffice UX team shows a proposal for the management of change tracking. It intends to have a comprehensive and good-looking overview but with the flexibility to add future enhancements.

This article was posted first

22 Jan 2015

How to make LibreOffice Customization usable

Libreoffice customization is quite powerful in terms of functionality but has some room for improvement regarding usability. This blog post starts the discussion about requirements with the current scope and shows some mockups that might be an

10 Apr 2013

Semiotics in Usability: Guidelines for the Development of Icon Metaphors

Semiotics is the study of signs and describes the perception, comprehension and communication of symbols. In the field of computer science, semiotics is especially relevant to the design of icons. A perfect metaphor is the prerequisite to